It’s February, so what’s love got to do with it? Plenty, according to this month’s Pillow Talk... Take a read! 

Dating after Covid

So, after two lost years of solo life and sourdough, you’re now back on your fav dating apps. And on the horizon your first date… Some thoughts…

  • In or Out? Pandemic or not, there’s nothing easier than keeping that first date outside. Apart from the fact that no masks or passports are required, we’re now so used to meeting on a park bench and popping a cold one while we await Uber to deliver, that despite the occasional shiver it feels positively romantic. 
  • The Chatter: Sure you’ve talked during the past two years, but the “love you’s”  has only been directed to your rescue dog. Resist talking about your own pandemic years particularly if they were as flat as the paint on the wall you just did twice over.  Do, however, paint a picture of the future as if it is all unicorns and rainbows and not your recent rent increase. 
  • Hold On! In two years of no intimate physical contact, your boundaries may have changed. A kiss is no longer just a kiss, and in the early stages, even a peck on the cheek may seem a step too close to the respiratory system. Our suggestion: go slowly and use your imagination.
  • What to Wear? Your down dressing over the past two years may have impacted your suave-ability. Also if you want to keep comfortable sitting outside in February, may we suggest a cozy new pair of joggers? (We have some if you care to look.) 
  • The Reveal: After a bit, staying over might be suggested.  Best be prepared. If the underwear you haven’t really thought about in years has saggy crotch, may we suggest our Boxer Bundle. Note: they come with a polite warning: hot buns!
  • The Pick-Up Line: 2021’s ‘I’m vaccinated!’ may have been replaced by 2022’s  “I’m boosted” but for a change,  “Is that a KN95 I see in your pocket” might also do the trick.
  • The Sum of It: The pandemic was a journey in which new values were discovered. You slowed down, wfh, maybe found solitude not so bad, and how you feel about dating, and what you want to get out of dating may also have changed. Let the dating begin... Or not!


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Trouble Sleeping after 40? It could be down to hormones.

We all know that aging changes our body. But did you know that some of those changes can also affect the quality of your sleep?

The most familiar one: the rate at which we produce melatonin. Yes, that zzz-friendly hormone that helps us sleep, slows down as we age making getting and staying asleep harder.

But there’s another hormone that can also disrupt our sleep: cortisol aka the stress hormone. When aging, and helped by those typical mid-life stressors of family, finances, and career, cortisol levels can increase causing them to fall out of sync with one’s natural (sleep-wake) circadian  rhythms. When ongoing, this disruption to our overall quality of sleep creates a vicious cycle of sleeplessness, which in turn makes us more anxious, making that good night’s sleep even more elusive.

A healthy diet, daily physical activity, and keeping anxiety at bay through sensible lifestyle choices, can all help keep cortisol levels in balance - and help return sleep patterns to normal. Note: If your sleep is disrupted on a long-term basis, see your doctor.

Game on! It's the Super Bowl:

Football fan or not, it’s a February tradition, the sports/screen/marketing event of the year - Super Bowl! Whether sports lover, or S.O of one, comfortably cozy inside on the sofa, crushed inside a bar, or at a tailgate party with one’s buddies, you have to admit there’s the irresistible urge to go with it - even if it’s just for the razzle-dazzle of half-time performance, the shiny commercials, or the chips and dips of game day party food. And the Sir Cadian crew will be there in front of our screen with the rest of you. Our dips: guac, salsa, and tortillas (or course!) with some black bean dip thrown in. As for ribs, wings, or pizza, we’ll let you choose!

(P.S. For maximum comfort while viewing/munching/popping those cold ones may we suggest wearing something comfortable, with waistbands that give a little - any of our Sir Cadian Essentials will do!)

Conclusion: February is short, the days are getting longer…Have fun - and long live love!

February 09, 2022 — Karys Rodriguez

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